Thursday, January 23, 2014

Your dreams can come true in bash

It's no secret. I like bash. I'm the only one of my circle that seems to like it. I ain't gonna be no python convert. Despite this, coworkers try to always convince me how "bash is unwieldy past 10 lines".

A situation came up where some specific servers needed monitoring. A lot of servers. A lot of processing. The design needed to process about 25 gigs of data an hour from the servers. All collected from remote Windows servers. After collection, the files are processed, webpages are auto generated/updated, things are logged, built in error handling, and of course graphs galore. Developers wanted tickets made, meetings scheduled, and months to work on it. Nah, gimme a week.

Working flawless for months. But seriously, it's probably stupid to use bash like this. I may be able to make something work real quick but that doesn't make it the proper way. Always have dev do it if you can. Then it's their fault when it breaks.

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