Monday, April 28, 2014

Some fax virus

This morning I've seen some fax viruses come in as a standard "hey you got a fax, open the attachment". The zip file is about 26k and appears to be a zbot downloader.

Two mildly interesting things with this one. One is that after executing the exe, you actually fo get an rtf file displayed as a hotel booking for some place in greece. It uses the hotels phone numbers and info. So I assume they may be a little confused shortly when people contact them saying they booked no such room.

Secondly, after that rtf file is displayed the virus sleeps for a few minutes and then gets it's payload from http://<site>/hot24/banner.png. It is of course not a png, but an executable. Yet another reason to never trust extensions.

Here are some domains the downloader was reaching out to:

The banner.png (actually an executable) is currently recognized on VirusTotal as a 1/51. Yikes.

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